This is where the journey begins...
This is my journey of life – a journey of mindset shifting, self-exploration, self-confidence and creating all sorts of good habits. This journey allowed me to start living, for real.
Monthly Reminder
– Discomfort Yourself
Growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone. It happens when you’re stretching those boundaries. Instead of dodging a challenge as if it were hot lava, tackle them straight on. Have that tough conversation and push yourself physically and mentally. The discomfort you feel is just a sign of you reaching the next level. Whenever you will like you want to quit, just remember that it’s not actual lava you’re stepping into, I too would run away from that. Your future self will thank you for not giving up.
Monthly Activity
– Daily Gratitude
- Set aside 10 minutes each day. Find a comfortable spot and grab your notebook. (Preferably not your phone).
- Reflect on your day. Think about moments, people, or experiences that brought you joy, peace or a smile.
- Write 3 of them down.
- Be specific, it helps to deepen the appreciation. Why are you grateful for each of the things?
- Feel the gratitude. Let yourself immerse in the feeling of gratitude.
This part is still under construction…
Be on the lookout
Always give 100%
You know you’re at your top level of performance when you commit 100% each and every day. This applies to all areas of life. Some
It all starts with the first step…
Feel daunted and overwhelmed by what’s headed your way? Do you feel like there’s simply way to many steps involved in the journey? That’s because
#1 Difficult beginnings
Introducing you to a special place in my heart… the journey that changed my life… and it’s incredible
#2 I’ve been there and I’ve done that…
I know what it feels like being at the lowest points of life. That’s where I spent a lot of my growing up – until
#3 What’s the meaning of life?
The infamous question we all would like an answer to, right? Life is not a straight forward road that can be taken for granted.